Pre-Day/Networking Day

Pre-Conference Day (CCCA-Networking Day 2016)

On April 6th 2016 the Climate Change Centre Austria invites all Climate Day participants to join our first CCCA Networking Day. The program is dedicated to facilitate networking within the science community and to support young scientists.



The CCCA Networking Day as well as the ice-breaker will be held at Techical University Graz, Stremayrgasse 16, 8010 Graz. You can best reach the site with tram no. 6 (direction St. Peter), station 'Neue Technik', directly coming from the main train station (Grazer Hauptbahnhof).

GVB- Fahrplan Linie 6


Site Plans

Campus Neue Technik

Stremayrgasse ground floor

Stremayrgasse 1st floor

Stremayrgasse 3rd floor


Opportunities for CCCA young scientists

Opportunities for CCCA members



                                                                        Registration, coffee & cake



Discussion group

Group size: max. 15 participants
Language in all groups: German or English
according to the needs of participants


Throughout the day, CCCA members
have the possibility
to book
seminar rooms (free of charge) for their

Please select a topic:

1. Participation and survey techniques in climate impact research
Sebastian Seebauer (University of Graz): questionnaire
design, sampling, methods for data collection
Andrea Prutsch (Environment Agency Austria):
participation and stakeholder integration

2. Climate risks and extreme events
Reinhard Mechler & Stefan Hochrainer-Stigler,
(IIASA/WU Wien): risk modelling and analyses of
extreme events and climate risks            
Dirk Muschalla (TU Graz): modelling urban floods

3. Climate data and scenarios: handling and data quality
Herbert Formayer (BOKU Wien): meteorological measuring techniques
Heimo Truhetz (University of Graz): regional climate projections
Chris Schubert (CCCA Data Centre): Data queries at the CCCA Data Centre

4. Innovation- and transition research in climate (impact) research
Romana Rauter (University of Graz)
Willi Haas (AAU Klagenfurt)

5. Case studies and methods for upscaling and transfer




                                                                              Guest lecture:
                              'Science to public communication in climate (impact) research'
                               (Carel Mohn, project manager, (Language: English)






14:00 Working groups on soft skills in the area of
science communication
Group size: max. 10 participants
Open Space
CCCA members are invited to propose a topic for discussion groups:

1.    Science to public in der Klima(folgen)forschung
(fully booked)

Praktische Übungen (Carel Mohn,
(Language: German)

2.    Geschichten schreiben statt Fakten aufzählen:
Verfassen von ‚lesbaren‘ Texten auf Basis
wissenschaftlicher Ergebnisse

(Gudrun Pichler, University of Graz)
(Language: German)

3.    Feedback on research proposals and scientific papers
(Herbert Formayer, BOKU & Birgit Bednar-Friedl,
University of Graz ) (Language: German/English)

4.    Visual displays: What characterizes a good chart?

5.    Story telling & oral media: Talking about your research
in an interview situation
(fully booked)
(Walther Moser, Radio Helsinki) (Language: German/English)    



Table 1) Chris Schubert: INSPIRE and Standards -
Data formats at the CCCA Data Centre.

Table 2) Johann Stötter: C4Austria -
Connecting Climate Change Communicators in Austria

Table 3) Franz Prettenthaler: Einbindung der
Gesellschaft in die Klima(folgen)forschung


                                                            Coffee break & Gallery of CCCA young scientists


                                                                                        Closing plenary

Evening                                                                                     'Climate Day'-Icebreaker



Opportunities for CCCA young scientists

Throughout the day, CCCA young scientists can connect with peers and senior scientists to improve their knowledge and skills, get feedback on their ideas/problems and enhance their visibility within the CCCA network.

After a short thematic introduction of the group coaches, the discussion groups provide hands-on advice and sharing of research experiences in groups of 10-15 participants. Participants are invited to bring questions, data or preliminary/unclear results from their own research to the discussion group (however, they need not present their research in detail). After the guest lecture on science to public communication, participants can intensify their learning with practical exercises in working groups (max. 10 participants). As an alternative, they have the possibility to contribute topics to the open space. Finally, participants can increase their visibility within the science community by displaying their short profile at the gallery of CCCA young scientists and engaging in the discussion at the closing plenary.

Opportunities for CCCA members

Throughout the day, CCCA members have the possibility to book meeting rooms for their own project meetings free of charge. They are invited to attend the guest lecture on science to public communication and to use the open space for discussion and networking. They can proactively propose a topic and host a table during the open space in the afternoon.

Open Space

Table 1) Chris Schubert: INSPIRE and Standards – Data formats at the CCCA Data Centre

To share geo spatial information and data sets within a community, a minimum level on standards and requirements on data formats should be applied. OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) as well INSPIRE as legal framework for Europe providing practical guidelines how to reach interoperability for data sets and services. This session will give an overview and a common discussion about applicable standards for describing metadata and data, transformation processes and the planned portfolio
of the CCCA Data Centre.

Table 2) Johann Stötter: C4Austria – Connecting Climate Change Communicators in Austria

Ziel des Projekts "C4Austria – Connecting Climate Change Communicators in Austria" (Start April 2016, Laufzeit 1 Jahr) ist es,
Akteurinnen und Akteure in Österreich, die im Bereich Klimawandel- kommunikation in Forschung und Praxis tätig sind,
langfristig zu vernetzen, um daraus einen Mehrwert für alle Beteiligten zu generieren. Dazu werden in einer Ist-Analyse die
entsprechenden Akteurinnen und Akteure erfasst. Im Rahmen dieses Treffens soll die Vorgehensweise für das nächste Jahr
besprochen werden. Möglichkeiten, wie eine langfristige Vernetzung aussehen könnte, werden diskutiert.

Table 3) Franz Prettenthaler: Einbindung der Gesellschaft in die Klima(folgen)forschung

Forschung nicht mehr als reiner Elfenbeinturm gedacht, sollte/muss sich an den Bedürfnissen einzelner Zielgruppen orientieren. Dies kann die Gesellschaft oder die Politik an sich sein, aber auch sehr spezifische Bereiche oder wirtschaftliche Sektoren betreffen. Daher werden in der anwendungsorientierten Forschung heute eigentlich regelmäßig Stakeholder
in den Forschungsprozess miteinbezogen, um durch sogenannte Ko-produktion nutzbare und zielgruppengerichtet erkenntnisstiftende Informationen zu erzeugen. Welche Ansätze sind dabei erfolgreich aber auch wie geht die Forschung mit dieser neuen Nähe zu den NutzerInnen und der damit verbundenen Verantwortung um, dass Forschungsergebnisse möglicherweise massive Auswirkungen auf das Leben der eingebundenen Stakeholder haben kann – man bedenke etwa die Diskussion um die Auswirkungen von Schneemangel auf die Tourismustreibenden? Dies und weitere Beispiele soll an diesem Thementisch diskutiert werden.

Opportunities for Climate Day participants

Participants of the Austrian Climate Day, who are not affiliated to a CCCA member institution, are also invited to attend the Pre-Conference Day; however, CCCA members have priority access to groups with limited size. In case they are interested to submit a discussion topic for the open space they are asked to team up with one representative of a CCCA member institution.


Depending on the participants needs, selected working groups as well as the guest lecture will be held in English.

CCCA young scientists

We invite Pre-Docs, Post-Docs (max. 2 years at Post-Doc level) and scientists from research facilities and universities to attend our young scientists program. We also accept Master students to attend, but graduates have priority access to groups with limited size.



The registration is now closed (Deadline: March 23rd 2016). We are looking forward meeting you at the CCCA Networking Day!

The event ist free of charge but a registration is required.

Together with the registration, we ask all participants of the young scientists program to upload their professional profile (short information about their research focus, methods & data, affiliation, etc.) together with a picture until March 23rd 2016. The profile serves as briefing for the working group coaches. Furthermore it will be displayed at the ‘gallery of CCCA young scientists’ in the afternoon. So all participants of the Pre-Conference Day can get an overview about the other young scientists within the CCCA network. To upload your profile, please use the online platform.


Travel allowance

We offer a travel allowance of 60€ for accommodation costs to 23 participants of the young scientists program. This grant will be awarded following the “first come, first served” principle but attention will be paid on the interdisciplinary distribution of grants among CCCA member institutions. For details please contact the CCCA Service Centre (contact: Angelika Wolf)