Donnerstag, 3. September 2020
Die Session Ökonomie fand am Donnerstag, 3. September 2020 von 15:30 bis 18:00 Uhr per ZOOM statt. Folgende Projekte waren eingeladen, ihre Ergebnisse zu präsentieren:
- Harald Rieder (BOKU) - Evaluating the effects of climate warming and precursor emission changes on the attainment of the Austrian ozone standard (ATain-O3), ACRP20_01
- Wolfgang Loibl (AIT) - Climate change and urban densification - heat exposure and ventilation under current and future climate and urban densification (CLUDEX), ACRP20_02
- Andreas Müller (TU Wien) - Transitioning buildings to full reliance on renewable energy and assuring inclusive and affordable housing (Decarb_inclusive), ACRP20_03
- Hermine Mitter (BOKU) - Entwicklung einer Typologie von Landwirt_innen zur zielgerichteten Förderung von Klimawandel-Anpassung in der österreichischen Landwirtschaft (FARMERengage), ACRP20_04
- Irene Monasterolo (WU Wien) - Scaling up green finance to achieve the climate and energy targets: an assessment of macro-financial opportunities and challenges for Austria (GreenFin), ACRP20_05
- Stefan Hochrainer-Stigler (IIASA) - Macroeconomic Modelling of Indirect Risks for Climate Risk Management (MacroMode), ACRP20_06
- Matthias Jonas (IIASA) - The role of persistence in Austria’s climate target: Policies for the transport sector (PETRA), ACRP20_07
- Alfred Posch (Uni Graz) - Closing the Paris Gap in Transport (QUALITY), ACRP20_08
- Sebastian Seebauer (JR) - Understanding and empowering spillover behaviour for low carbon consumption among young Austrians (SPILLOVER), ACRP20_09