National highlights of the CCCA

As a networking platform for the climate research community in Austria, the CCCA strives to establish connections and exchanges between its members and thus promote climate research in Austria. In particular, the following efforts are made to this purpose:

Austrian Panel on Climate Change (APCC)

Based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the “Austrian Panel on Climate Change” (APCC) was set up within the CCCA in the course of preparing the first comprehensive Austrian Assessment Report on Climate Change 2014 (AAR14). Under its umbrella, renowned scientists and researchers from the Austrian climate research community regularly compile the current state of research on climate change in Austria. The APCC's reports highlight measures for climate protection and climate change adaptation, providing the public with a sound basis for decision-making.

More information on the Austrian Panel on Climate Change and the respective reports can be found here.

Climate status report

The Austrian population is increasingly affected by extreme weather events, which are further intensified by climate change. The annual Climate Status Report, produced by the CCCA in collaboration with GeoSphere Austria (GSA), the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) and many other research institutions, sheds light on these events and their impact on society and the environment. The report focuses on a specific topic each year.

The Climate Status Report helps to inform the population and raise awareness of the need for adaptation strategies. Since 2019, specific climate reviews have also been produced for all federal states, further strengthening the regional relevance and application of the data.

You can find more information on the climate status report here.

National Energy and Climate Plan (NEKP)

Ref-NEKP 2019

In 2019, a reference plan was developed for the first time as the basis for a scientifically sound National Energy and Climate Plan for Austria (Ref-NEKP) in line with the Paris climate targets and submitted to the National Climate Protection Committee. Together with many lead authors, more than seventy experts from the CCCA, the UniNEtZ project, the Austrian Academy of Sciences and other partner institutions contributed to the document.

More information on the Ref-NEKP can be found here.

Statement from scientists on the draft of the integrated national energy and climate plan for Austria (period 2021-2030)

49 scientists from climate and transformation research have written this detailed statement as part of the comment phase on the draft Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan for Austria (period 2021-2030). 

More information on the statement can be found here.

NEKP for Austria - Scientific evaluation of the measures proposed in the 2023 consultation

In summer 2023, the BMK presented a draft of the integrated national energy and climate plan (NEKP) for Austria (period 2021-2030) for public comment. The CCCA coordinated the scientific assessment of the measures proposed in the public consultation on the NEKP, in particular to identify additional measures to reduce greenhouse gases by 2030. These were extracted from 100 public responses containing more than 1400 proposals and thematically assigned to areas such as transport, energy, buildings and agriculture. The evaluation conducted by the CCCA particularly highlighted interactions between different areas of action and emphasized the importance of cross-cutting issues such as biodiversity and governance. The scientific evaluation was presented at a press conference. 

More information on the scientific evaluation of the proposed measures can be found here.


The Klimaszenarien.AT initiative brings together Austrian climate research to develop and communicate the new climate scenarios in a scientifically robust and user-oriented manner. This initiative builds on the Austrian Climate Scenarios 2015 (ÖKS15), which represented a significant milestone in climate impact research and climate change adaptation by creating a standardized data source for national and regional studies.

The relevance of the ÖKS data has led to a steady increase in the use of this data, particularly in the context of climate change adaptation strategies at various administrative levels. The new Climate Scenarios 2026 are intended to continue this success story and further improve climate change adaptation through intensive cooperation with users.

You can find more information on Klimaszenarien.AT here.

Austrian Climate Day

The CCCA organizes the Austrian Climate Day annually with various co-organizers. The Austrian Climate Day is a scientific conference with the aim of providing an overview of current Austrian research activities in the fields of climate change and transformation. It functions as an interdisciplinary networking event for the climate research community and offers young and established scientists alike the opportunity to present their research work. The Austrian Climate Day also offers opportunities and formats for dialog with stakeholders from politics, administration and research funding and serves as a platform for exchange with business people, practitioners and the interested public.

You can find more information about the Austrian Climate Day here.

K3 Climate Congress

The K3 Climate Congress aims to motivate people to take action on the issue of effective climate communication. It provides an overview of the international state of research on climate communication and makes new findings from research usable. Important players from the fields of politics, administration and business, interest groups, NGOs, media and PR are networked within this framework.

You can find more information about the K3 Climate Congress here.

CCCA working groups for the promotion of climate research

Within the CCCA, there are strategic and thematic working groups that work on specific projects and topics. The CCCA supports the establishment of these groups, accompanies their activities and ensures that the results are communicated within the network.

Strategic working groups, set up by the CCCA Board, drive forward special projects. Appointed Board members coordinate these groups, whose members are appointed by the Board. 

Thematic working groups are initiated by CCCA members and submitted to the Executive Board, which decides on their establishment. These groups determine their members themselves and require the participation of at least three member organizations. 

These working groups promote exchange and collaboration within the community by focusing on relevant research topics and projects.

More information on the CCCA working groups can be found here.

Fact sheets

In order to advise decision-makers from politics and society and to expand and support the transfer of knowledge within research and research into application, the CCCA provides fact sheets as a measure. These are easy-to-understand brief summaries of climate-relevant fundamentals and current research results. The aim of the fact sheets is to prepare knowledge in an understandable and applicable form for both the interested layperson and the expert. 

You can find more information on the fact sheets here.

....and much more can be found at