
The new Austrian Climate Scenarios 2026 - developed with and for users

The initiative Klimaszenarien.AT unites Austrian climate research to develop the new generation of Austrian Climate Scenarios in a scientifically robust as well as user-oriented way and to communicate it in a target group oriented way.

From ÖKS15 to Klimaszenarien.at

Weather and climate have a considerable impact on our everyday life, our environment as well as our social and economic systems. In order to be best prepared for the risks but also the opportunities of climate change, we need estimates of the future state of the climate. The Austrian Climate Scenarios 2015, ÖKS15 for short, represent a milestone in Austrian climate impact research and climate change adaptation. While national and regional studies were based on different sources before, the ÖKS15 scenarios unified this basis and created the state-of-the-art data source for Austrian climate scenarios.

As a result, the results of the studies became more comparable. Due to the relevance of the ÖKS data in the context of the climate change adaptation strategies of the federal government, the provinces and the regions and municipalities, the use of the data and applications increased steadily.