In Salzburg, 280 people from science and practice met for the first time in September 2017 at Unipark Nonntal to discuss new forms of making climate change and climate protection an issue, motivating and activating action. The conference in Salzburg was the kick-off for this biennial format in the D-A-CH region. In 2019, the congress entered its second round in Karlsruhe with nearly 500 participants, and its third round in Zurich in 2022. The K3 Congress aims to move people to action with the question of effective climate communication. It provides an overview of the international state of research on climate communication and makes new research findings usable. The focus is on networking and the exchange of actors from the fields of science, politics, administration and business, interest groups, NGOs as well as media and PR.
The next K3 is coming to Austria again. It will take place from 25 to 26 September 2024 at the University of Graz.
All info about the K3 Congress and the possibility to register for the newsletter can be found on the K3 website.
Here you can also find video recordings of the keynotes and some other presentations.
You are also welcome to follow us on Twitter.
The organizers of K3 are, besides the CCCA as Austrian, the German partners: Deutsches Klima-Konsortium e.V. (DKK) and as well as the Swiss partners: National Centre for Climate Services NCCS and ProClim.
K3 prize on climate communication
For the first time, a prize for climate communication worth a total of 15,000 euros was announced in 2021. The K3 Award for Climate Communication is intended to honor people, initiatives and projects from German-speaking countries that have succeeded in a special way in providing "good climate communication" - i.e. communication on climate and climate change that is scientifically sound on the one hand, but on the other hand also goes new ways to motivate and activate people for climate protection. The prize was awarded for the second time at the K3 Congress in Zurich.
You can find more details about the previous award winners and the K3 Award here.
K3 en route: MAK - Staging Climate Change, 30.9.2021
How do you offer the climate crisis a better stage in the truest sense of the word?
This was the topic of the event "Staging Climate Change", which was organized by the AG Klimkom of the Climate Change Centre Austria (CCCA) on 30.9.2021 at the MAK (Musem für angewandte Kunst) in Vienna as part of "K3 en route". The occasion was the conclusion of the solution-focused exhibition "Climate Care".
Impulses and contributions to the discussion were given by exhibition curator Marlies Wirth (MAK Vienna), filmmaker Werner Boote, climate theater pioneer Natalie Driemeyer (Hans-Otto Theater Potsdam) and Martina Fröschl (Science Visualization Lab). In the discussions, experiences were shared on how the arts and culture sector can successfully jump on the climate bandwagon. There was agreement that there is still great potential - and great responsibility - lying dormant here. After all, beyond the usual battle of facts, people need to be brought into much stronger emotional contact with the climate crisis and possible solutions.
K3 en route: Climate, war, Corona - communicating in crisis? 17.3.2022
- What can be learned from the experience of each other's crisis?
- Where might decades of experience with climate communication help to guide us on the issues of war or corona pandemic?
- And what might that even be - a "good pandemic discourse," a "constructive climate debate," "communicating properly in times of war"?
With our panel discussion as part of the event series K3 en route, we want to explore these questions. The panelists are:
- Dr. med. Eckart von Hirschhausen, physician, science communicator and founder of the foundation Healthy Earth - Healthy People
- Christopher Schrader, science journalist and author of "Talking about Climate. The Handbook"
- Katharina van Bronswijk, spokesperson for Psychologists for Future, practicing as a psychological psychotherapist in Lüneburg Heath and active as a lecturer
- Pia Lamberty, executive director of the Center for Monitoring, Analysis andStrategy (Cemas), researches beliefs in conspiracy narratives as a psychologist
More information at:
K3 in Salzburg was supported by the Climate and Energy Fund, the then Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy, the Province of Salzburg, and the University of Salzburg.