Cooperations & Partners

Through its activities the CCCA establishes contacts between networks and partners who are not part of the immediate research environment, but whose activities contribute significantly to knowledge transfer and raising awareness. The position of the CCCA has been optimised through strategic partnership contracts to devise collective approaches and so that future activities can be carried out in our strategic partners’ best interest.

Climate Lab

Climate Lab is a stimulating place for innovative and courageous alliances to achieve the goals of climate neutrality as quickly as possible. We design new ways of collaboration between companies, start-ups, civil society, science and the public sector. We offer a platform for leading companies and relevant administrations in Austria; Programs for promising start-ups and scale-ups across Europe; and inspiring space to work, think, meet and do at a special place in Vienna.

City of Graz

As the former Capital of Culture 2003, Graz not only has a lot to offer in this social area. In 2010 it was named the first FAIRTRADE capital of Austria. FAIRTRADE includes three fields: poverty reduction strategy, better working conditions and environmental protection.

City of Linz

L.I.N.Z. – four letters, one city. Lively, innovative, natural, happy together. A wide range of information on administrative services, cultural offerings, the economy, the environment and much more.

Disaster Competence Network Austria

The Disaster Competence Network Austria as a scientific collaboration platform between universities, research institutes and their stakeholders, is organized as an open and non-profit association under university management.
The basic idea behind the network is to bundle the scientific expertise in Austria in the field of security and disaster research and to act as an academic contact and cooperation partner for the public and private sector.

EOSC Association

The EOSC Association is the legal entity established to govern the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). It was formed on 29th July 2020 with four founding members and has since grown to over 200 Members and Observers.