CCCA activities at COP24 in Katowice: an overview

Under the umbrella of the CCCA, numerous Austrian researchers presented their latest project results to participats of the 24th UN Climate Change Conference (COP24) that took place from 3rd to 14th of December 2018 in Katowice, Poland. The exchange with the conference participants on the various research topics had priority during these sessions. Sponsored by the Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism, the CCCA has thus given Austrian organisations / researchers the opportunity to pronounce on this international stage and attend COP24 as part of the Austrian delegation.

Furthermore, the CCCA has intensified its contacts with its cooperation partners, political decision-makers and the Vienna Business Agency on site and got to know new networks.

In addition, the CCCA has published a guest commentary in the Wiener Zeitung on the political results following the conference. Please find the article here.

Please find the CCCA's activities at COP24 in detail and the gallery below.

CCCA activities at COP24 in Katowice in detail


06.12.2018 at the Austrian PavilionHall E, Space 1 from 13:30 - 16:30 

Expert's Coffee Break on
Accelerating the Transformation to Carbon-Neutrality - Perspectives on Technology, Economy and Agriculture

The CCCA hosted an interactive expert dialogue on knowledge, practices and opportunities to pursue carbon neutrality in the fields of technology, economy and agriculture at the Austrian Pavilion. After kick-off presentations by well-known national and international scientists (below), the main focus of this event was the exchange with the international audience. Thus, the event was moderated by Ms Renate CHRIST, former IPCC Secretary. Please find the invitation to this event here.

13:30 - 14:30 Perspectives on economy and technology

kick-off presentations by

RIEG Lorenzo, Mr - Montanuniversitaet Leoben - Circular economy climate change mitigation

MEYER Ina, Ms - Austrian Institute of Economic Research - Achieving the Paris Climate Goals and thus growing the economy

PASSER Alexander, Mr - Graz University of Technology - Sustainable buildings, construction products
and technologies

HOFMANN René, Mr - TU Wien (Vienna) - Innovations for energy systems in industry – to reduce industry’s share of 1/3 of world energy consumption

15:30 - 16:30 Perspectives on agriculture and healthy consumption

kick-off presentations by

HUVIO Tiina, Ms  - FFD/AgriCord/FFF - Farmers’ organisations: Agents for equitable agricultural transformation – building resilience of their members

SCHAUBERGER Guenther, Mr - University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna - Impact of global warming on livestock inside confined buildings

SCHLATZER Martin, Mr - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna - Co-Benefits for climate mitigation and nutrition security due to organic agriculture and healthy consumption patterns


06.12.2018 at the EU PavilionHall E, Space 9, Room Brussels from 17:15 - 18:30

Enabling transformation to achieve 1.5C, sustainable development, and adaptation 

The CCCA, together with Climate KIC (lead organiser) and gLAWcal organised a side event on transformation and innovation in adaptation, international law, and risk information - linking across SDGs and Sendai. The event was chaired by Ms Claudia MICHL of the Climate Change Centre Austria. Please find any further information here


MECHLER Reinhard, Hr - IIASA 

AWASTHI Kirtiman, Hr - GIZ India - Framework for Integrated Climate Risk Management

HOA Eric, Hr - ClimateKIC - Short Intro - Climate-KIC


07.12.2018 at the EU PavilionHall E, Space 9, Room Vienna from 10:30 - 14:30

Agriculture’s Future, Delivering Net Zero Emissions - Trade, Consumption, Smallholders, Value Chains

The CCCA, together with the IEEP (lead organiser), SNV, Agricord, Feedback Global, FFF, SACAU and IFFA organised a side event on the opportunities and pathways to deliver transformational change in agriculture at the EU Pavilion. Please find any further information here


BLANDFORD David, Mr - commodity markets and climate



BOWYER Catherine, Ms - IEEP

HUVIO Tiina, Ms  - FFD/AgriCord/FFF


DE MARSH Peter, Mr  - IFFA

JONES Xiaoting Hou, Ms - IIED


PRETTENTHALER Franz, Mr - Joanneum Research

MILLSTONE Carina, Ms - Feedback


13.12.2018 at the Austrian PavilionHall E, Space 1 from 14:00 - 16:30 

Fostering Resilience in Urban and Rural Settings - Perspectives on Health, Communication and Implementation

The CCCA hosted an interactive expert dialogue on strengthening urban and rural resilience on the perspectives of health, communication and implementation at the Austrian Pavilion.  After kick-off presentations by well-known national and international scientists (below), the main focus of this event was the exchange with the international audience to further elaborate on the fields of research. The event was moderated by Ms Elisabeth Worliczek of the Climate Change Centre Austria. Please find the invitation to this event here.

14:00 - 15:00 Perspectives on Health and Communication

kick-off presentations by

HAAS Willi, Mr - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna - Co-Benefits for climate mitigation and nutrition security due to organic agriculture and healthy consumption patterns

UHL-HAEDICKE Isabella, Ms - University of Salzburg - Undesired Side-effects of Climate Change Communication

15:30 - 16:30 Perspectives on Implementation

kick-off presentations by

MILOS Jelena, Ms - European Commission - yet to be decided

WOERTHER Gernot, Mr - Climate and Energy Fund Austria - Implementing the vision ‘Zero Emission Austria’

SIMADER Alexander, Mr - Climate and Energy Model Region Unteres Traisental & Fladnitztal - ‘Zero emission’ on the ground – key learning points from pioneering rural regions in Austria

GLOECKLE Dorothee, Ms - Climate Change Adaptation Model Region Vorderwald-Egg - Implementing climate change adaptation measures in rural areas in Austria

KOWALSKI Katharina, Ms - klimaaktiv - klimaaktiv- best practices from Austria’s impulse programme for climate change mitigation


14.12.2018 at the EU PavilionHall E, Space 9, Room Vienna from 12:30 - 14:00

What’s good for climate action is good for your health:  European perspectives on fostering climate-health alliances 

The CCCA, together with the Climate and Energy Fund Austria, WHO and European Commission (lead organiser) organised a side event on policy responses to protect public health from climate change impacts hosted at the EU Pavilion. Please find any further information here


SCHMOLL Oliver, Mr - WHO



HOEBARTH Ingmar, Mr  - Climate and Energy Fund Austria

HAAS Willi, Mr - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna

MALINOVSKA Elena Visnar, Ms -European Commission 





Events of partners and members and useful links

04.12.2018 at the Austrian Pavilion - Hall E, Space 1 from 10:00 - 11:45

Opening of the Austrian Pavilion by Austrian Federal President Alexander van der Bellen and Vicepresident of the Austrian Economic Chambers Ulrike Rabner-Koller

Speakers: VOGEL Theresia (Austrian Climate and Energy Fund), KURZ Christian (Green Energy Lav)

05.12.2018 at the Austrian Pavilion - Hall E, Space 1 from 10:30 - 13:00

Austrian Climate and Energy Fund

Show-Case - Flagship regions Energy

Speakers: VOGEL Theresia (Austrian Climate and Energy Fund), STEINMUELLER Horst (WIVA P&G, Johannes-Kepler-University Linz), HRIBERNIK Wolfgang (NEFI, AIT), KURZ Christian (Green Energy Lab), REUTER Albrecht (Fichtner IT Consulting GmbH, SINTEG-Schaufenster C/cells)

06.12.2018 at the Austrian Pavilion - Hall E, Space 1 from 10:00 - 12:00 

TU Wien (Vienna, Austria) and Austrian Companies

Contributing to Decarbonisation and Sustainability: New Technology and Innovation

  • Innovations for energy systems in industry: 1/3 of world energy consumption is needed by industry – this share can be reduced significantly
  • Innovations in green energy supply: Doubling the production of biogas plants by using surplus electricity; Decentralized delivery of green hydrogen via gas networks; How to build efficient systems for the thermal conversion of biomass residues to various green fuels and heat
  • More technologies and know-how from TU Wien to reduce CO2-Emissions
  • Experience of Austrian Companies with systems for renewable energy supply – Jenbacher gas engines from INNIO, EGGER Holzwerkstoffe, Kohlbach Energieanlagen, M-U-T

Speakers: HEIMERL Peter, HOFMANN René, SPITZER Simone Maria (alle TU Wien), LAIMINGER Stephan (Jenbacher Gas Engines from INNIO), BUEHNER Moritz (Fritz Egger GmbH), Vertreter von Kohlbach Energieanlagen GmbH, FARAG Abdullah (M-U-T) 

07.12.2018 im EU Pavilion - Room Brussels von 10.30-12.00

EU Side Event

Mountain regions moving towards carbon neutrality

This side-event was organised by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism – Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Presidency of the Alpine Convention and co-organised by the Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention.

Speakers: HOJESKY Helmut (tbc) (Austrian Federal Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism – Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Presidency of the Alpine Convention); NANCHEN Eric (Foundation for sustainable development in mountain regions); GIPPNER Olivia (DG CLIMA of the European Commission).

Please find the invitation to this event here.

13.12.2018 at the Austrian Pavilion - Hall E, Space 1 from 10:30 - 13:00

Austrian Climate and Energy Fund

Show-Case - Climate and Energy Model Regions and Climate Change Adaptation Model Regions

Speakers: HOEBARTH Ingmar (Austrian Climate and Energy Fund), SIMADER Alexander (Climate and Energy Model Region Unteres Traisental), GLOECKLE Dorothee (Climate Change Adaptation Model Region Vorderwald-Egg)


In the following you will find various links to helpful information:

COP24 website

UNFCCC website

List of exhibits 



Side events schedule

Side events at the EU Pavilion

Venue map