Literature database

Literatur database

New download function

The possibility of being able to collect all citations of a volume, chapter and search results has been created. If you click on a chapter in the band chapter list you get the possibility to download all quotations. You can also enter a term in the search window and then save the entire list of results.

The CCCA literature database currently contains more than 3500 citations from over 8000 authors. At the moment the CCCA team is currently working on the integration of the startclim literature database and is preparing to include further literature.

Here you get to the CCCA literature database!

Basic idea and structure of the literature database

In the Austrian Assessment Report on Climate Change 2014 (AAR14), in addition to internationally published specialist journal articles, more and more gray literature was used, but (as with the IPCC too) on the condition that it is publicly accessible. This appeared to be necessary to a greater extent at the national level, because studies on local and regional issues are often published in non-refereed journals, but can nevertheless make a significant contribution to the state of knowledge about climate change in Austria.

As a side effect of the AAR14, not only a literature database was created that contains all of the literature citations in the report, but also a collection of gray literature that is made accessible via the Climate Change Center Austria (CCCA) and will continue to be maintained.

Download gray literature

If you are interested in downloading gray literature from the database, please contact the CCCA Service Center (, we will then send you the desired file.