CCCA Policy briefs

The CCCA (Center for Climate Change in Agriculture) supports researchers in co-creating policy briefs with practitioners to foster knowledge exchange between practice and research. These policy briefs are intended to bridge the gap between research and application and facilitate knowledge transfer. They offer easily understandable answers to key questions related to research topics from the perspective of stakeholders. 

Some examples of the policy briefs offered by CCCA are: 

Policy brief Nr. 1: Hangrutschungen, Klimawandel und Landnutzung - Kernaussagen für die Praxis aus dem Projekt ILLAS

Policy brief Nr. 2: CCUS in Österreich – Einordnung der rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen und Perspektive der emissionsintensiven Industrie (Veseli, Böhm, Fazeni-Fraisl, Energieinstitut an der JKU Linz; Fleischhacker, Sachs, Kapfer, Ernst & Young denkstatt GmbH 2025)

Policy brief Nr. 3: CCUS in Österreich – Potenziale, Technologien und Folgenabschätzung (Böhm, Fazeni-Fraisl, Energieinstitut an der JKU Linz; Hochmeister, Zöllner, Kulich, Lehner, Ott, MUL 2025)

CCCA policy briefs are typically two to four A4 pages long and are made available as PDFs in German. Unlike fact sheets, policy briefs do not undergo internal review and are developed through dialogue between researchers and stakeholders. They aim to incorporate the perspective of practitioners on a research topic more strongly than fact sheets. 

Key points for potential authors of CCCA policy briefs include:

  • Length: around two to four A4 pages (approximately 7,000-14,000 characters)
  • Main points: addressing three to five key questions of practice, developed in collaboration with CCCA and key stakeholders
  • Images/Photos/Illustrations: at least two (preferably three) images are mandatory for a policy brief
  • Target audience: ranges from interested laypeople to experts, with the language not being overly technical
  • Review: To be published as a CCCA product, a policy brief must be reviewed by the project team and at least two stakeholders.