Welcome to the APCC!

Following the example of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the "Austrian Panel on Climate Change" (APCC) was established at the CCCA, under whose umbrella renowned experts from the Austrian climate research community regularly compile the current state of research on how climate change has changed and will change Austria.

APCC products serve to collect, summarise and evaluate the current state of science and research on thematically defined issues (Special Report) or on climate change as a whole (Assessment Reports). Accordingly, no new research will be conducted, but the state of current research will be presented.

The APCC reports represent the consolidated knowledge of a large number of Austrian researchers. They show measures for climate change prevention and adaptation, thus providing the public with a well-founded basis for decision-making.

The idea for the APCC arose in the course of a project financed by the Climate and Energy Fund, the result of which was the first APCC product: the Austrian Assessment Report 2014 (AAR14).

The project APCC is closely linked to the CCCA and pursued also the goal of strengthening the community of Austrian climate researchers. Under the aegis of the CCCA, the APCC is continued. Therefore a working group APCC (AG APCC) was established bringing together authors of the AAR14. This working group is entrusted with the development of further APCC products and APCC quality standards.

As soon as the reports are published, you will find all report sections and supporting materials such as graphics, flyers, abstracts, slide sets, etc. as downloads on the respective project pages.

The following APCC reports are currently published or in preparation:


Please contact info@ccca.ac.at if you are planning to submit to the ACRP call on an APCC report and for any other questions about the APCC Steering Committee & Working Group, submissions, products or guidelines.