1.4. Involvement in JPI Climate calls in close cooperation with the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
One of the core activities of JPI Climate is the development and funding of transnational calls for proposals. Since 2016, Austria has participated in the SOLSTICE, AXIS and ERA4CS calls (see below). The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) is in charge of the operational processing of Austrian project participation.
Climate change research is still strongly dominated by natural science disciplines, while research that focuses on societal processes and the potential for change is often not given priority. Yet there is an urgent need for knowledge on how societal change towards a climate-friendly and socially just future can take place. The JPI Climate call SOLSTICE ("Enabling Societal Transformation in the Face of Climate Change") addresses this major gap in the funding landscape. The call focuses on three key thematic areas:
- Social justice and participation
- Sense making, cultural meaning and risk perceptions
- Transformative finance and economy
The role of the International Networking Platform in SOLSTICE
Starting in August 2018, on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF), the International Networking Platform led the strategic development of SOLSTICE (scoping, development of the White Paper as basis for the call for proposals, coordination of the participating funding organizations, conception of content and criteria).
Austrian participation in funded projects
A total of 6.9 million euros from ten participating countries was mobilized to fund the research projects. Out of 75 projects submitted, seven were selected for funding, two of which involve Austrian project partners.
- „Justdecarb – Socially Just and Politically Robust Decarbonisation: A Knowledge Base and Toolkit for Policymakers”
Justdecarb brings together scholars from political science, law, philosophy and economics to address the question of how the decarbonization of the economy can be achieved in a fast yet just manner. The aim is both to fill critical gaps in the knowledge base regarding socially just and politically robust decarbonization, and to develop a 'toolkit' that helps to communicate these goals to European decision-makers. Two scientists from the University of Graz are involved in Justdecarb.
- „CLEANcultures – An approach for innovative Climate Learning, Evaluation and Action in Neighbourhoods"
CLEANcultures explores how understanding micro-level learning processes can help to create transformative potential in terms of climate change awareness. The multi-disciplinary project explores how these learning processes can enable empowerment and decision-making in climate change adaptation processes. The project CLEANcultures is led by Gudrun Lettmayer, PhD from JOANNEUM Research.