Workshop 2048 Climate Services

This page contains links to further information on the Workshop 2048 “Climate Services”.


Science and research can contribute to future-oriented discussion processes within society. Decisions to be made by society can be based on the diversity of scientific knowledge, and science and research can contribute to creating and analysing future scenarios, the risks they pose and the opportunities they provide. In view of a dynamically changing global society, science’s visionary role in research policies should therefore be reconsidered.

In cooperation with various research institutions, the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF; formerly Ministry of Science and Research) has been organising the so-called “2048” workshop series since 2006. Its declared goal is to define and address the priorities of future research policies in the field of sustainability research. Thirty to forty internationally renowned representatives of research, education, politics, research administration, and the economy are invited to these events.




Background information on the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy’s Workshop 2048 Series (German only).