- Zusammenfassung / Executive Summary (deutsch, 262KB)
- Gesamtdokumentation / Harvest (deutsch, 1.7MB)
- Matthias Themeßl (CCCA): Climate Services in Österrerich (17.10.2012, 5.2MB)
- Roger Street (UKCIP): Providing Climate Services: What does this mean for those providing these services? (17.10.2012, 524KB)
- Roger Street (UKCIP): Climate Services: What does this mean for those want to use these services? (18.10.2012, 322KB)
- Guy Brasseur (CSC Hamburg): Climate Service: Transferring Climate Knowledge to Society (17.10.2012, 5.4MB)
- Eberhard Faust (Munich RE): Risiken, Anpassungsbedarf und Chancen aus dem Klimawandel: Das Beispiel eines Rückversicherers (18.10.2012, 1.2MB)
Background information on the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy’s Workshop 2048 Series (German only).