CCCA Round Table

The CCCA Round Table is an event format primarily devoted to networking and the dissemination of information.

Round Tables do not merely consist of lectures. Their core objective is to help establish personal contacts and connections with sponsors, funding bodies, or experts on various administrative levels – both within and outside the research community.

Since personal contact is more easily established in a relaxed atmosphere, the CCCA team tries to break the ice and foster networking with creative and innovative formats. Those who have already talked to and laughed with each other will be less reluctant to pick up the phone and initiate a cooperation or clarify uncertainties.

The CCCA Round Table is scheduled to take place every semester, alternating between different locations of the CCCA members.


4. CCCA Round Table, Graz/Klagenfurt, tba


3. CCCA Round Table, Innsbruck, 10.03.2017

2. CCCA Round Table, Wien, 17.02.2016

1. CCCA Round Table, Graz, 09.12.2015