
Policy Brief "Harnessing the power of Social Sciences and Humanities to address Climate Change" veröffentlicht!

This policy brief is an initiative by the COST Action SHiFT (Social Sciences and Humanities for Transformation and Climate Resilience). The writing process was led by Elisabeth Worliczek (BOKU – University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences) and Maria Fernanda Rollo (NOVA – University of Lisbon), with the support of a network of experts


This policy brief “Harnessing the power of Social Sciences and Humanities to address Climate Change” is focusing on the underlying assumptions preventing true societal transformation to enable a holistic and nuanced view on successful communication practices. Activity led by Maria Fernanda Rollo (NOVA) & Elisabeth Worliczek (BOKU) Writing process supported by Mimi Amaichigh (BOKU), Ingrid Coninx (WEnR – Wageningen Environmental Research), Joske Houtkamp (WEnR), Martina Haindl (BOKU), Sally Stevens (URead – University of Reading)

This document has been prepared in consultation with a group of interdisciplinary experts in the fields of psychology, philosophy, finance and anthropology (to name a few) with a focus on climate change and sustainable development. These experts gathered within the framework of two workshops and one online webinar (held between June and October 2023).

Foto: Fokke de Jong