Das CCCA freut sich, dass so viele seiner Mitglieder an diesem Call teilgenommen haben und möchte den erfolgreichen Projektwerbern herzlichst gratulieren!
The selection procedure related to the ERA4CS Joint Call on Researching and Advancing Climate Services Development that was launched in spring 2016 successfully closed on 23 February. After a first step selection meeting in September 2016 and a second meeting of an independent panel of experts at the beginning of February 2017 the final decision was now taken by the ERA4CS partners.
The projects will be financed by ERA4CS partners from 16 countries, contributing either by cash funding or by in-kind resources, plus co-funding from the European Commission (Grant Agreement reference 690462). The overall objective of this call is to enhance user adoption of and satisfaction with Climate Services (incl. adaptation services). Improving the quality of Climate Services is also within the scope of this call. A total budget of about 63 Mio € has been allocated for this call to support 3 years research projects.
Among the 54 pre-proposals submitted for topic A- Advanced co-development with users and 12 proposals for topic B - Institutional integration between 30 predetermined Research Performing Organisations (RPOs), in total 26 projects have now been selected.
Projekte mit österreichischer Beteiligung:
- <link http: jpi-climate.eu nl external-link-new-window external link in new>AQUACLEW (Universität Innsbruck, BOKU)
- <link http: jpi-climate.eu nl external-link-new-window external link in new>CLIM2POWER (BOKU)
- <link http: jpi-climate.eu nl external-link-new-window external link in new>CLISWELN (BOKU)
- <link http: jpi-climate.eu nl external-link-new-window external link in new>CO-MICC (IIASA)
- <link http: jpi-climate.eu nl external-link-new-window external link in new>ISIpedia (IIASA)
- <link http: jpi-climate.eu nl external-link-new-window external link in new>SENSES (IIASA)