Young Talent Prize

On the Climate Day 2019, the CCCA Young Talent Prize will be awarded again. The CCCA wants to put the scientific achievements of young researchers in the limelight and reward them with the Young Talent award. Submission is via a scientific publication, which is evaluated by renowned scientists. Each submitter receives written feedback on the submitted paper. The best paper will be awarded on Klimatag with a prize of EUR 1,000.

Requirements for participation:

  • Timely submission of a scientific paper for the young talent award.
  • The submitted paper has either already been published in a scientific journal (in 2018 or 2019) or submitted to a journal. In both cases, the corresponding journal must be specified. Also considered are papers that are in a submitable state.
  • The submitter must be a single or first author and have largely conceived, analyzed and authored the work him- or herself. For co-authorship, the submission must specify how the work has been divided among the co-authors.
  • Age of the author: max. 7 years after the highest academic degree.
  • The submitter must be present at the award ceremony and present the paper on Klimatag.

Criteria for the young talent award:

  • The content as well as the relevance of the contribution to the current discussion on climate change must be clearly presented.
  • The work should show why it is innovative or makes an innovative contribution to the climate change debate.
  • The question and results of the paper must be presented in a generally understandable way.
  • The work must be methodically correct.
  • The work must be evidence of the author's knowledge of relevant literature.
  • Figures and tables must be descriptive and easy to read.
  • The contribution should not exceed 9,000 words and include an abstract and keywords.
  • The contribution may be written in English or German.

Prize money and procedure:

  • There will be a prize money in the amount of EUR 1,000.
  • The award ceremony will take place on April 26, 2019 as part of the Climate Day.
  • Please send your paper as a pdf document to with the subject "submission of young talent award".
  • Please enclose proof of age criteria with your submission.
  • Submission deadline is March 3, 2019
Further details about the Poster Prize can be found on our web site soon!