Working Group

The science plan working group goes back to the earliest stages of the CCCA. It was reactivated in 2016, comprising a slightly altered team due to personnel changes.

Working group members (March 2016)

Andreas Baumgarten (AGES)
Helmut Haberl (AAU)
Leopold Haimberger (Uni Wien)
Robert Jandl (BFW, representative for the CCCA-executive board)
Angela Köppl (WIFO)
Helga Kromp-Kolb (BOKU)
Douglas Maraun (Uni Graz)
Reinhard Mechler (IIASA, representative for the CCCA-executive board)
Franz Prettenthaler (JR)
Jürgen Schneider (UBA)
Hans Stötter (UIBK)
Elisabeth Worliczek (JPI Climate)

Head of the Working Group until 2014: Georg Kaser (UIBK)